February 26, 2024

How clients reached me as an SEO specialist in Davao

How clients reached me as an SEO specialist in Davao

Here is the thing: I was supposed to not renew my domain last January this year for some apparent reasons — until I received inquiries and calls from potential clients. As an SEO specialist in Davao, this is amazing!

I received this inquiry through Google My Business. I then replied to it and gave my WhatsApp number. From then on, we made a good deal and have been on a collaborative project until now.

Because of this, I said to myself, “SEO is really working for me”.

I did not boost (paid ad) my marketing promotions. I rely solely on organic campaigns. And, they are working well for me.

This is the benefit of investing in SEO.

You don’t look after clients. Clients find you.

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